About me

http://hamid.aftab.cc/images/Nowruz1387_yazd_web.jpgHello there.

My name is Hamid Reza Niroomand. I’m 25. from Saveh (in Iran)

I’m a Computer Engineer and these days I teach many different Computer Courses in some universities and institutes. e.g: MCITP, CIW, etc.

In this blog I’m going to write about myself and what happens during the day.

Don’t forget to send me your feedback. It’ll be really appreciated.

Hope you enjoy the posts 😉

About admin


  1. Ali Tavakoli on September 10, 2013 at 3:32 pm said:

    Hi,Dear Hamid
    I see this weblog today for first time.

    this is very good that you have a weblog in English.

    please add RSS for your blog.
    Good luck

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